English IV

I am studing dentistry at ULACIT
My goal is to finish my career to work in my owm dental clinic
and specialize in Maxillofacial Surgery.

I am studing dentistry
I worked two years as a dental assistant
I hope to graduate and to specialize in Endodontics

I am a dentistry student
I studied English al Boston college.
My laboral experience was before I became a dentistry student, I was a receptionist at a law office.
I hope to achieve with success my career

I have been studing dentistry for three years at ULACIT
I hope to finish my studies and to work in my dental clinic

martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Oral hygiene

It is important to learn how to maintain good dental hygiene from early childhood. Parents should teach their children the proper use of oral hygiene products. Good oral hygiene should be a joined effort involving you and your dentist. Not all of us have the same needs.
Ask your dentist how to maintain good oral hygiene. Your dentist or dental hygienist will give you the proper dental hygeine instructions and teach you the correct way of brushing and flossing. The dentist will identify your individual needs and help you build your own oral care plan.
The most important oral hygiene instructions
In between regular visits to the dentist, there are simple steps that each of us can take to greatly decrease the risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease and other dental problems. These instructions include:
Brush your teeth at least twice a day or after every meal, with a fluoride toothpaste.
Floss your teeth at least once a day
Watch your diet. Avoid sugar and limit snacks between meals
Effects of poor oral hygiene
The main purpose of dental hygiene is to prevent the build-up of plaque, the sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. Bacterial plaque accumulated on teeth because of poor oral hygene is the causative factor of the major dental problems.
Poor oral hygiene allows the accumulation of acid producing bacteria on the surface of the teeth. The acid demineralizes the tooth enamel causing tooth decay (cavities). Dental plaque can also invade and infect the gums causing gum disease and periodontitis.
In both conditions, the final effect of poor oral hygiene is the loss of one or more teeth. You should not wait until a tooth is lost, just then to understand the importance of oral hygiene and preventive care.

Graciela Rodríguez
Sources: www.colgate.com/.../Oral...Dental.../Oral-Hygien.

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