English IV

I am studing dentistry at ULACIT
My goal is to finish my career to work in my owm dental clinic
and specialize in Maxillofacial Surgery.

I am studing dentistry
I worked two years as a dental assistant
I hope to graduate and to specialize in Endodontics

I am a dentistry student
I studied English al Boston college.
My laboral experience was before I became a dentistry student, I was a receptionist at a law office.
I hope to achieve with success my career

I have been studing dentistry for three years at ULACIT
I hope to finish my studies and to work in my dental clinic

martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Is amalgam safe for humans?

Is dental amalgam safe for humans?

This article talks about dental amalgam, which has given much to talk about since there is a great controversy in terms of toxicity and adverse effects that may cause in the body of the people, according to the results shown in the studies of autopsy the main source of total load of the body of mercury., is the amalgam, is demonstrated by the autopsy that the mercurylocated 2.12 times more in the body tissues of individuals with amalgam dental. Autopsy studies are the most valuable and most important studies for the consideration of the amalgam that is caused by the body burden of mercury, have consistently shown that many individuals with amalgam are toxic levels of mercury in the brain or kidneys.There is a correlation between the levels of mercury in blood and urine.The half-life of mercury in the brain may last from several years or decades, so mercury accumulates over time from exposure to amalgam in the tissues of the body to toxic levels. However, CCRSERI said that the average life of the mercury in the body is only "20 to 90 days".Mercury vapour is approximately ten times more toxic than lead in human neurons and one synergistic toxicity with othersmetals.Most of the studies cited by CCRSERI that the conclusion that the Parallels you are safe but have serious methodical failuresSome complications listed below are the mercury in dental amalgam, according to the article.

Evelyn Ortiz Alpízar


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